
[locale] guestrooms_title=Private Rooms no_categorie=No category categorie_1=Staff rooms categorie_2=Games categorie_3=Homes categorie_4=Trading rooms categorie_5=Discussion rooms categorie_6=Party rooms categorie_7=Habbo weddings categorie_8=Empires categorie_9=Creative rooms categorie_10=Other rooms no_user_for_gift=%user% was not found. Gift not bought. socket_error=Socket error, Server will stop now. too_many_rollers_in_room_alert=You can't put more than %max% Habbo Rollers in a room. Impossible to put more! too_many_pets_in_room_alert=Too many pets in this room! user_not_found=User not found userdata_daten_von=Data from userdata_birthdate=Birthday: userdata_password=Password: userdata_rank=Rank: userdata_credits=Credits: userdata_mission=Motto: username=Username: club_gift_name=Habbo Club hotel_alert=Message from Staffs max_rooms=Your have reached the room limit with %maxrooms% rooms. max_fav_rooms=You can't have more than %maxfavs% favorite rooms. function_deactivated=This function has been disabled by the manager room_locked=Closed room room_unlocked=Open room not_tradeable=You can't trade this! this_room_is_locked=Closed room room_locked_alert=The room was closed with the following reasons. hotel_view=on hotel view user_doesnt_exists=The user does not exist max_friends_alert=You can't have more than %maxfriends% in your friendlist! Delete old friends to add more. pub_title=Public Rooms pub_name_1=Theater pub_name_2=Welcome Lounge pub_name_3=Axe Theater pub_name_4=Bunny Theater pub_name_5=The Park pub_name_6=House of flying carrots pub_name_7=Habburgers pub_name_8=Kitchen pub_name_9=Cinema pub_name_10=Main Lobby pub_name_11=Lido pub_name_13=Rooftop pub_name_15=Football pub_name_16=Tearoom status_caption=Server status: users_caption=users online users_windowtitle=Users online start_caption=Start server stop_caption=Stop server restart_caption=Restart server tools_caption=Tools settings_caption=Settings port=Port tools_staffmsg=Console staff message tools_link=Link: tools_linktext=Link text: tools_msg=Message tools_toallonline=To all online users tools_toallusers=To all users tools_masscredits=Mass credits tools_amount=Amount tools_send=Send tools_hotelalert=Hotel Alert tools_newline=New line tools_or=or tools_username=Habbo name message=Message cfh_time=Sent on already_picked_up_by=Already picked up by picked_up_on=Picked up on
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